Born in Barcelona on January 29, 1963, I am the eldest child of José Luis (†) and Marisol (†). My sisters and brother -Marisol, Paloma and Yago-, have families, so I have 15 nieces and nephews. We lived in Barcelona and spent the holidays in Jávea (Alicante). It was from my family that I learned piety, industriousness and ethical integrity.


Since adolescence I have been attracted to literature and any artistic and cultural manifestation, a contemplative spirituality and the res publica. In my adolescence I read many books of  literature, spirituality and politics. My attraction to teaching is due, in part, to my passion for Philosophy and the example of the teacher Manolo Fuentes.


I studied law at the prestigious Universidad de Navarra, where I had exceptional professors included Álvaro d'Ors, Sancho Rebullida, Martínez Doral, Lombardía, Hervada and more. Once I finished my law degree and feeling vocationally called to the priesthood, I studied philosophy, theology and canon law at the same university.


In 1991 John Paul II ordained me a priest, incardinating myself in the Diocese of Abancay (Peru), where I spent three years as a parish vicar, chaplain of Carmelite nuns and professor of the Major Seminary. They were years of personal plenty in which I empathized with Latin America and with their natives peoples. I returned to Spain to study at Burgos, where I got my degree in spiritual theology, and stay in the Benedictine monastery of Leyre, where I spent an unforgettable and fruitful time due to the monastic inclination that has always accompanied me. 


Between 1994 and 2013 I have lived in Barcelona. I worked 12 years in various parishes; I was a diocesan judge and judicial notary in the ecclesiastical court and professor of spirituality. In 2005 I decided to temporarily leave the practice of the priesthood and in 2011 I applied for reduction to the lay state, which was granted to me.


In 2001 I defended my doctoral thesis in law at the Universitat de Barcelona. Since 2001 I have combined research with teaching legal subjects at various universities, as an tenured professor at private universities and as associate at public universities. For a time I practiced as a  substitute Magistrate at the High Court of Appeals of Barcelona and in another period I practiced as a lawyer.


In 2013 I joined the newly created Universidad Loyola of the Society of Jesus, as a full tenured professor. I thank the Jesuits and Andalusia, my land of adoption, for all that they have brought me during these years so gratifying. In my spare time I follow my interests in literature, spirituality, humanities, Law and politics.