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At a graduate level, I obtained a Ph.D. in Law (Juris Doctor) degree at the University of Barcelona and an Honorary Ph.D. in Law (Doctor Honoris Causa-DHC) at Ovidius University (Romania). I have also carried out undergraduate studies in Law, Canon Law, Spiritual Theology, Ecclesiastical Studies (Divinity) and Ecclesiastical Philosophy. I have the Diploma of Mediator in conflict management. I am currently concluding a Doctorate in Canon Law. I have also taken graduate courses and seminars in Civil Law, Family Law, Criminal Law and so on.


I have been assistant Magistrate at the Appeal Court of Barcelona, Ecclesiastical Judge and Clerck of the Ecclesiastical Court and, as a Lawyer, I have worked on diverse legal fields such as Civil Law, Criminal Law, Family Law, Matrimonial Law, Commercial Law and Procedural Law. At the moment, I work as a Lawyer at the Ecclesiasticals Tribunals.


I have devoted most of my professional life to Academic activities. I am certified as Aggregate Professor by the Agència per la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya. I have also taken courses in methodological and pedagogical issues (Didáctica multimedia en la Función docente; Experiencias de la evaluación de la competencia de trabajo en equipo en docencia universitaria; Diseño de recursos pedagógicos para la evaluación de la competencia personal: trabajo en equipo ).


I am currently professor at Loyola University, teaching Legal History and Church and State relations.


I was Consultant in Church and State relations and Law and religions at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), scholar at the UNIR University and Academic Tutor in Constitutional Law-Theory of the State, Church and State relations, Legal History and European culture at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). I have been Aggregate Professor at the Universitat Abat Oliba-CEU (UAO) for 12 years, teaching Church and State relations, Matrimonial Canon Law, Legal History, Legal Deontology and the Introduction to Law


I have been Associate Professor at public Universities, as the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and at the Universitat of Girona (UdG), and I have taught undergraduate and graduate Courses at many other Spanish Universities and academic Centers (UAO, UB, UAB, UPF, UNED, Cardenal Herrera de Valencia, Pública de Navarra), ecclesiastical institutions (Facultad de Teología del Norte de España, Institut de Teologia Espiritual in Barcelona, Seminary of Abancay in Peru) and private and public organizations (Olof Palme Foundation, Diputació de Barcelona, Bar Associations in Catalonia, Spain and abroad). I have also taught at foreign Universities in USA, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile, United Kindom, Italy, France, Romania and South Africa. I have also presented many academic Papers at Congresses, Conferences and Seminars held in Spain and abroad.


In the field of academic management I have been working as Coordinator of Open Legal Studies at the Universitat Abat Oliba-CEU, promoting an ambitious academic program carried out on line in both, Barcelona and Valencia. I have been a member of the Faculty Board and I have been representing the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Library Commission of the Universitat Abat Oliba-CEU. I have also been responsible for the regularization of foreign academic Titles and an active member of the Commission of Professors in charge of adapting the academic programs of the UAO to the Bolonia system (EEES).


I have spent sabbatical periods in foreign Universities carrying out research in different fields of study (Iteso in Guadalajara-México, Regent University in Virginia-USA, Stellenbosch University in South Africa, ICT in Toulouse-France and Pontificia Universidad Católica in Lima-Peru). I have taught at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (Mexico), at Glasgow University, at the Institut Catholique de La Roche sur Yon (France), the Universidad Católica de Paraguay and at different Peruvian and Colombian universities. I have also participated in seminars and conferences organized by the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  the Supreme Court in Paraguay, the Casa de la Cultura Jurídica de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación and the Electoral Tribunal in Jalisco-México.


I am part of different research Groups that operate through funding provided by the European Union, the Spanish Ministry of Education and also by diverse private Foundations. I am also part of the Expert’s Commission of Revista Dionysiana (Romania) and of different civil institutions and legal and ecclesiastical organizations, such as the Club of Roma, the ICAB, the ICLARS and the LARSN.


I have directed many graduate academic theses and dissertations (Spain and Mexico), and I have also been member of many Ph.D. boards, doctoral juries and graduate committees in Spain and France.


As a result of my research activity I have published several monographic works, chapters of books, as well as articles in specialized magazines -many of which have become indexed-. Some of these articles have been written in collaboration with other authors. I am currently co-editor of the Spanish edition of the Diccionario Enciclopédico de Derecho Canónico (editorial Herder). My name has also appeared in many Court Rulings in the fields of Canon Matrimonial Law and Criminal Law in which I have participated as main judge.


My current academic interests cover a wide spectrum of legal, philosophical, religious and social knowledge that includes Law, Canon Matrimonial Law, Professional Deontology, Education, History, Theology-Divinity, Spirituality and the Humanities.