Welcome to my web page

In here you will find my biography and several versions of my Curriculum Vitae, some pictures of my academic life and some examples of my written work.


Behind the words that you are about to read and the images that you are about to see there is a life dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through study, teaching and research in the fields of Law, Canon Law, Theology, Spirituality, Deontology, History, Education, Culture and the Humanities. These diverse fields of academic knowledge have allowed me to explore the most radical and essential aspects of humanity and to promote respect for the sacred dignity and fundamental rights of all men and women and, in particular, for those who are placed in the weakest and most vulnerable positions of society. Homo sum, nihil humani a me alienum puto.


Behind these words and images there are many memories and projects. These words and images reflect endless hours of hard work, dreams and deceptions, sacrifices and satisfactions, mistakes and victories, moments of solitude and rich experiences of friendship and teamwork. As well as the tracks of all those men and women who have left an imprint in my soul and the seeds that I have been able to plant in the minds and hearts of them. Finally, these words and images also express a deep sense of gratitude with many people and, in particular, with my parents and all the good friends that have favored me with their affection, trust and support for many years.


Behind these pages there is a dreamer who feels passionate love for Mother Nature, that gets actively involved in multicultural, multiethnic and interreligious dialogues and that feels profound emotion when issues regarding human justice and human freedom emerge. Behind these pages there is an adventurer that enjoys traveling with his backpack around developing countries and other nations. The busy man that would like to have enough time to study anthropology and etnology, to reflect deeply and calmly about the main aspects of human life, to share his deepest feelings with his loved ones and to engage in long walking pilgrimages through the road that leads to the Ways of Santiago de Compostela and along the monasteries of Mount Athos and India. Behind these pages there is, above all, a human being who would like to live a life filled with love and with actions capable of contributing to the betterment of mankind through their effect in the consciousness of future generations.